Progeny Testing
At the heart of our mission is our progeny testing programme. This program is based on hunting dog tests that were first developed in Germany over 100 years ago. The tests are set up to reproduce real hunting situations so that dogs are judged against a standard rather than against other dogs. Try not to be put off by the idea of testing your dog – just remember, as we benefit from the efforts of others in the past, so must we contribute to the dogs of our sons and daughters and those that follow.
Our testing program is made up of two tests:
1. Natural Ability Test (NAT)
Those hereditary characteristics which are essential to the dog if he/she is to become a truly versatile hunting dog have been selected for hundreds of dog generations. The Natural Ability Test (NAT) is an examination of these heritable characteristics. It is the initial testing of the young dog before it has had much formal training. The purpose of the test is to evealuate the results of breeding as exemplified by the innate abilities of the dog.
Dogs are eligible for the NAT from the day they reach 6 months of age until and including the day they reach 16 months of age. Dogs older than 16 months may be entered for evaluation only but are not eligible for any prize classification.
In NAT, dogs are evaluated in 4 categories:
- Affinity For Water
- Searching
- Pointing
- Tracking Of A Live Game Bird
Throughout the test dogs are also evaluated for:
- Nose And Use Of Nose
- Attitude Toward Working
- Cooperation
Scores range from 0-4 in each category for a maximum score of 28.
All dogs will be evaluated for faults of coat and conformation and all fousek will be given a score on both coat and conformation. Temperament will also be evaluated and noted on the score card.
2. Intermediate Hunting Dog Test (IHDT)
The Intermediate Hunting Dog Test (IHDT) is designed to test the young dog several months after he/she has been tested in a Natural Ability Test (NAT), but before the dog has been completely trained for the Utility Field Test (UFT). The IHDT is in reality a Breeding Test with several purposes: (1) to evaluate the natural abilities of the dog again when he/she is more mature; (2) to determine how well the dog takes to training; and (3) whether or not the dog should be used for breeding. In Europe this test is called a “Fall Breeding Test”, and no dog can be considered for breeding unless it has qualified in this test.Dogs are eligible for the IHDT from the age of 16 months up until and including the day they reach 24 months of age. Dogs that are over the age limit may be entered, but the test will be called Older Hunting Dog Test (OHDT). In this case the category of “Obedience” will be judged more severely. It will be expected that the dog has had more training and therefore should be more obedient. The age of the dog will be taken into account when all judgments are made.In IHDT, dogs are evaluated in 4 categories:
Water Work
- Tracking Duck In Water
- Retrieve of Duck From Deep Water
- Blind Retrieve O Duck From Heavy Reeds
Field Work
- Searching
- Pointing
- Retrieve Of Dragged Dead Game
- Tracking Live Game Bird
- Tracking Live Hare Or Rabbit-(Optional)
- Retrieve Of Dragged Game,Fur-(Optional)
Judged Throughout
- Nose And Use Of Nose
- Attitude Toward Working
- Cooperation
- Obedience
All dogs will be evaluated for faults of coat and conformation and all fousek will be given a score on both coat and conformation. Temperament will also be evaluated and noted on the score card.
Scoring System for Tests
While each of the two tests differ in their requirements, the judging always stays the same. Each dog’s performance in each category of the tests is scored using the point system listed below.
No | Value | Score |
1 | very good | 4 points |
2 | good | 3 points |
3 | satisfactory | 2 points |
4 | poor | 1 point |
5 | failure | 0 points |
A judging group is always composed of 3 judges with one being designated “senior.” The senior judge is responsible for leading the tests. The senior judge makes sure hunting situations are set up properly and that testing moves along in a timely manner. This person also acts as spokesperson for the group; explaining to the spectators what has taken place, explaining to handlers what is expected of them in each test situation; and, in the end, reading the test scores.
One or more apprentice judges often accompany these judges. These are individuals who have an interest in someday becoming judges themselves and represent the future of this foundation. While these persons don’t have a say in the actual scoring of dogs, they are required to make evaluations throughout the test, write their observations down, give a score, and take part in discussions. This “hands-on” learning is invaluable in training potential judges. Aside from apprenticing, individuals are also required to run a dog through both tests (Natural Ability and Intermediate Hunting Dog) before becoming judges.
The purpose of these tests is to evaluate dogs at different stages in their development in order to give breeders the information needed to make informed decisions for their breeding program. We strongly recommend that ALL the dogs from a litter be tested in order to get an accurate picture of a breeding. This data helps determine if the sire and dam should be used in future breedings. A pup from a litter where all litter mates performed well is a stronger candidate for inclusion in the breeding program than one whose siblings were weak. Although high scores result in a Prize I, II or III, the purpose of testing is not a competition to determine the best dog at the test; the purpose is more akin to quality control testing, where the best possible outcome would be for all dogs tested to score well. Our goal is to consistently produce excellent hunting fousek so that every prospective owner can be confident of obtaining a superb gun dog. The best possible outcome would be for all the dogs to achieve Prize I scores.
It is essential to give your dog hunting exposure and preparation prior to a test. The following link provides some tips on how to prepare for the NAT: Preparation for the Natural Ability Test
Both tests are endorsed and supported by the New Zealand Versatile Hunting Dog Testing Association and test results will soon be registered against the pedigree of your dog with the New Zealand Kennel Club.